I have already started to celebrate my "big day". My parents have already showered me with gifts (a beautiful diamond heart bracelet and flowers) and Joseph has gotten me a surprise gift from Home Depot (and a not-so-surpise oil painting from South Eastern Salvage).
But this weekend, we will be traveling the 3.5 hours to ATL to stay at the Renaissance Atlanta Waiverly Hotel which is extremely beautiful and attending a Family Life, Weekend to Remember.
The purpose of the Weekend to Remember is this: Focus, Connect and Discover. This marriage retreat will allow Joseph and I to focus on each other and connect without the distractions of daily life and to discover how to: receive each other as gifts, clarify the roles of husband and wife, resolve conflict within our relationship, maintain a vital sexual connection (woohoo!), express forgiveness to one another and increase our commitment to one another.
Through several speakers and sessions (including Why Marriages Fail, From How to Wow: achieving God's plan for marriage by leaving, cleaving and becoming one flesh, We Fight Too: how to handle the inevitable conflicts of marriage, and Marriage After Dark: Uncover Intimacy From God's perspective), application projects (that are done on our own) and even a date night on Saturday night (where we will be visiting the infamous Gladys Knight's Chicken and Waffles restaurant, the conference promises leave each couple with hope, encouragement and practical tools that will help build and grow our relationship.
I am excited to be able to share what Joseph and I gain from the conference but I am more excited that I get to spend a beautiful birthday weekend in Hotlanta, learning about each other and God's will for our marriage.
Have fun and don't let Joseph think about politics for the whole weekend. : )