Joseph and I both have a Bachelor of Arts in English. We both enjoy literature even though our tastes are a little different. He likes Voltaire, I like Wordsworth. He likes C.S. Lewis, I like Frost.
Despite our differences in taste, there is a common point. No matter what kind of literature our favorites wrote, their literature was compiled in a book or several books.
So here is my next thought: incorporate books, quotes and other geekiness into the wedding.
Sorry for the oversized photo...but it's gorgeous, right? From the quote in the frame to the beautiful table numbers...makes me feel faint just thinking about it!
How can you not love the books under the flowers?
Our wedding has yet to have a theme. However, our theme may just become "much ado about literature".
Have you fallen in love with a particular theme? What was it about the theme that made you adore it so?
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